This year’s meeting will take place in person at the University of Dundee in Scotland from July 8th to 11th, and will be a joint meeting with the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS). The CSBBCS / SCSCCC meeting offers a premier forum for researchers in brain, behavioural, and cognitive sciences to share their latest findings, stay abreast of emerging discoveries, and engage with colleagues who share similar interests. This year’s program also provides an additional opportunity to share and engage with the members of EPS.

Accommodation and Travel

The EPS, in conjunction with the Dundee Convention Bureau, has put together useful resources and information regarding travelling to Dundee, accommodations, and some exclusive offers in and around Dundee for conference attendees.

CSBBCS / EPS 2025 Info Page

Travelling to Dundee

Exclusive Offers

Please note that all conference attendees will require an Electronic Travel Authorization in order to travel to the UK. See for details.

Call for Abstracts

The Abstract Portal for the upcoming meeting of CSBBCS in Dundee, Scotland is now open! To submit an abstract, first renew your CSBBCS membership or become a member. The deadline to submit an abstract is 11.59pm PST on March 17th 2025.

To submit an abstract, please visit the Abstract Portal. Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Please indicate whether you would prefer a poster, a talk, or have no preference. Please also choose at least one track (and up to three; use control / command + click to select multiple tracks) that describe your research to help us in scheduling your presentation. 

Students: If you wish to be considered for the Hebb Student Award, please check the appropriate box at the time of submitting your abstract and supply an extended (max. 1000 word) abstract in addition to the usual 300-word abstract.

NEW THIS YEAR: The Abstract Portal now accepts groups of submissions together. For example, you might want to have a lab manager submit all your abstracts together. You need to create a submission group, add each abstract, and submit the group together. You can submit up to 5 abstracts in a group. If you are only submitting a single abstract, you still need to create the group first. Make sure that you submit the abstract group using the ACTIONS menu once you are finished filling in your abstract information. Please submit talks and posters separately.

Please note that ONE author (not necessarily the first author) MUST be designated as the presenting author. This person must register for the conference after the registration portal opens in a few weeks, and must attend the conference. Note that this will be an in-person conference, without an option to attend remotely.

The conference will take place this upcoming July 8th - 11th at the University of Dundee, and is a joint meeting with the Experimental Psychology Society. Details about accommodations and registration will follow in the weeks ahead. We will also be providing information about the new immigration visitor requirements for all Canadians and other passports, as well as discounts for both air and train travel in the United Kingdom. The aim is to review and notify acceptance of an abstract by the first week in April, to allow the presenting author sufficient time to book their travel and accommodations.

Call for Symposia

Symposium proposals will be considered with a deadline of February 21st 2025. Symposium topics can cover any area of brain, behaviour and cognitive science.

Symposia are 1 hour in length with 4 x 15-minute slots (approximately 12 minutes per talk, 3 minutes for questions). Symposium organizers are invited to submit a proposal, including:

a) Symposium Title
b) Symposium Description (250 words)
c) Potential Symposium Speakers
d) EDI considerations in topic selection / composition of speakers
e) Indicate whether you would be interested in submitting symposium talks as a collection of short papers for Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (CJEP).

Please submit your proposals electronically to