CSBBCS / SCSCCC Membership
Welcome to our online membership system. We hope that you will take a moment to update your profile data while you are renewing your membership. Profiles can now include a photo, website URL, and a research summary.
Current/past members can login to renew their membership and/or update their online profile.
Non-members can sign up on our Registration Page. Researchers with a Ph.D. should purchase a Full Membership ($90). Students should purchase an Associate Membership ($40). Membership is valid between January 1st and December 31st of the year in which the membership is purchased. Membership is required to submit abstracts for consideration for inclusion in our annual meeting, and to register for the conference.
Please note that membership fees are non-refundable.
Emeritus membership is free to individuals who were Full Members of the CSBBCS / SCSCCC at the time of retirement and whose research is no longer supported by grant funding. To request Emeritus Membership, please contact the Secretary/Treasurer at secretary@csbbcs.org.
A PayPal account is NOT required in order to make a payment with a credit card. When prompted to log in to PayPal, instead choose "Please confirm a different way". This will open a dialog box. From there, choose the option "Pay with a credit or Visa Debit card" and you will be able to enter credit card details directly without a PayPal login.